Category: Women United

Safe, Stable Housing: Helen’s Story

Safe, Stable Housing: Helen’s Story Success through Project WIN, supported by Women United After moving from war-torn Angola, Nsevilo “Helen” Shabani was connected with The Opportunity Alliance’s Project WIN (Women In Neighborhoods), a two-generation strategy,

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PATHS Spotlight – National Volunteer Week 2019

National Volunteer Week Spotlight Day 4! Volunteering your time and expertise, even in the short-term, can help neighbors find long-term pathways to success. Yesterday Portland Arts & Technology High School (PATHS) held a workshop featuring

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Event – Women United’s Fall 2018 Event

Tuesday, November 6, 2018, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join Women United members and guests to discuss our shared mission, learn more about the challenges families face around early child care and education, and hear about the impact of our 2017 investments. All are welcome! 

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