Hi Everyone,
Today, we had planned to come together across Greater Portland for one of our largest annual volunteer events, Community Day of Action. On this day each year, over 1,000 volunteers spread out over Greater Portland to help our nonprofit partners with a variety of projects.
In past years, work done throughout the day, along with ongoing volunteerism sparked from volunteer trainings, provided impactful support to the community for projects like school-based reading programs, while helping to offset maintenance and many one-time expenses for our nonprofit partners. The day provided a meaningful and impactful way to engage with programs and partnerships throughout the region.
Take a tour through some of our past years of action here:
Community Day of Action 2019
Community Day of Action 2018
Community Day of Action 2017
Like so many things, ideas, and events, Community Day of Action has had to shift.
And, you have shifted, too. You have stayed home and physically distanced, juggling multiple roles and challenges, all to help keep us all safe and healthy. We are grateful!
And while today may look and feel different, you and so many others still have the chance to contribute and make a difference. We can continue to spread our love around Greater Portland! We’re inviting you to take part in one of the projects below by yourself, with your family, and/or virtually with your colleagues. When you do participate, please share your activity photos in our shared album: https://bit.ly/36epPEi.
- Virtual Card Making – Help brighten someone’s day and write a card! You can share a quote, for example, or send words of encouragement to them know that they are loved. Cards will be distributed through to United Way’s partners to people experiencing isolation, children that need a pick-me-up, and families that need of some encouragement. To create a card now visit unitedwaygp.org/notes.
- Mask Making – Governor Mills is requiring facemasks for all in public places. “Individuals must wear cloth face covering in public settings where other physical distancing measures are difficult to maintain.” This order has created an increased need for masks in our community. At United Way of Greater Portland, we’d like to help ensure staff and clients at our partner organizations are able to return to work. We’re inviting community members to help make and donate homemade masks. While these masks may not be as effective as N-95s, when used correctly, they are useful in blocking out virus particles. Email volunteer@unitedwaygp.org to receive instructions for sewing and donating.
- Video-making – Inspire a student by sharing insight on where you work, what you do, a hobby you enjoy, a craft you’re making or a STEM activity you enjoy. Videos can be short (3-5 minutes) and can be done with your phone. We’ll provide you with tips to video and possible topics if you’re stuck for an idea. FMI: volunteer@unitedwaygp.org.
While we still hope to reschedule an in-person event, we don’t need to stop or wait to make a difference! Together we can be in-action for Greater Portland 365 days a year, and together we are United.
With gratitude,
– Day of Action Planning Committee
P.S. Not seeing anything that interests you? Check out our Volunteer Engagement newsletter here.