United Way of Greater Portland can connect you with one-time opportunities and events that help our community, tools for hosting a collection of needed items, as well as ongoing and regularly scheduled opportunities that support long-lasting change and Thrive2027 goals. You can choose what moves you!
Every month we share a Volunteer Engagement Newsletter with opportunities to engage throughout Greater Portland. Here are some of the highlights from November’s Volunteer Newsletter.
The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad is once again transforming the railroad into Polar Express and is in need of volunteers to fill a variety of roles. Starting on November 22 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and extending to the weekend before Christmas, Thursday, December 19 –Monday, December 23, this is a great volunteer opportunity for families and groups! Volunteers will support the box office, prepare and distribute hot chocolate for guests aboard the train, share the Polar Express story and participate in the Christmas sing-a-long. FMI visit http://volunteer.unitedwaygp.org/event/?agency_id=56774.
Get ready for Family Volunteer Day Saturday, November 23! Family Volunteer Day is a national day of service held the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Each year, many families use the day to introduce children to volunteering and teach them valuable lessons about compassion and caring. Projects include helping to make Wayside’s Community Thanksgiving meal special by creating colorful centerpieces from canned goods. Donations of cans are welcome. Light snacks will be provided. Join us from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. at United Way of Greater Portland, One Canal Plaza, 3rd Floor, Portland for this opportunity. NOTE: Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Young children must be accompanied by an adult.
FMI and to RSVP, email volunteer@unitedwaygp.org.
Whether you are an avid runner, just want to get out to enjoy the day, or have kiddos who want to participate in the Children’s Fun Run, the 51st Annual Maine Track Club race is for you. Race begins at the Cape Elizabeth Middle School. All proceeds will be donated to Wayside Food Programs. FMI visit http://waysidemaine.org/51st-annual-turkey-trot.
Want to help ensure more children have a strong start and are reading at grade level by the end of third grade? Volunteer to help with student assessments in South Portland Elementary Schools on Tuesday, December 3. Timing is flexible, just a 2-hour block (within the 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. timeframe). FMI contact Stephanie Nicoson, snicoson@unitedwaygp.org.
Check out our November’s Volunteer Newsletter for more opportunities or search online at http://volunteer.unitedwaygp.org.
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