United Way of Greater Portland Opens Fiscal Year 2019 Community Investments

United Way of Greater Portland (UWGP) has opened its Fiscal Year 2019 community investments to programs, initiatives, or collaborations serving Cumberland County, Maine (except Brunswick and Harpswell) that will help to make measurable progress on Thrive2027’s three community goals (

The Fiscal Year 2019 community investment application period is January 16, 2018 – February 26, 2018. Applications must be submitted through UWGP’s application website by 9:00 a.m. (EST) on Monday, February 26, 2018. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline.

All UWGP Fiscal Year 2019 community investment applicants:

  1. Will be required to demonstrate a commitment to help impact the Thrive2027 Goals by identifying the specific contribution, effort, or action the program, initiative, or collaboration will make, including:
    1. Data-driven program activities and evidence-based best practices or promising practices, that are based in research; and
    2. Measurable impact on Thrive2027 Goals Framework Strategies demonstrated through performance measures.
  2. Are strongly encouraged to collaborate with various community partners, and:
    1. Demonstrate a plan to collaborate with at least one community partner to share data around one or more shared or complementary performance measures; and/or
    2. Articulate different approaches of working together to leverage and increase impact.

Please note that this is not a complete list of requirements. Before applying, refer to the UWGP Fiscal Year 2019 Community Investment Summary, available at, for a complete list of requirements.

Grant requests must be at least $10,000; there is no maximum request amount.

To be eligible to apply for UWGP Fiscal Year 2019 community investments, the lead organization applying for funding:

  1. Must be recognized as a federal tax exempt or governmental organization; or
  2. Is an organization or non-exempt group with an identified fiscal sponsor that is a recognized federal tax exempt or governmental organization.
    All partners named in the application must operate consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, and comply with the UWGP’s counterterrorism compliance agreement (see application).

To Apply: Application materials, including a link to the website to complete and submit an application, are posted at Frequently Asked Questions will be updated every Friday by 5:00 p.m. until February 23, 2018.

Technical assistance regarding the application process is available by email, phone, or appointment. In-person meetings are held at United Way of Greater Portland, 1 Canal Plaza, Suite 300, Portland 04101.

For more information, please visit refer to the UWGP Fiscal Year 2019 Community Investment page of UWGP’s website. For additional questions, contact Nicole Evans at or 207-347-2302.